A standard for a more formalised approach: A widely-used standard for stakeholder engagement produced by AccountAbility, which establishes the global benchmark for conducting high-quality stakeholder engagement projects and programs.
Commitment 2
BSR Five-Step Approach to Stakeholder Engagement
A user-friendly five-step toolkit to conducting stakeholder engagement.
Stay focused: the strategic value of stakeholder engagement
Stakeholder Engagement: A Road Map to Meaningful Engagement
A detailed step-by-step guide from the Doughty Centre at Cranfield University for successful stakeholder engagement, aimed at organisations attempting to engage their stakeholders for CSR purposes. Section 5.5 contains a useful matrix of consultation techniques.
Engaging Stakeholders When Setting Sustainability Objectives and Linking Them to the SDGs
This paper showcases how City Developments Limited, Enel and Iberdrola disclose how they engaged stakeholders and how their stakeholders’ priorities informed and are connected to the companies’ SDG priorities.
ESG frameworks and stakeholder engagement
GRESB assessments are guided by what investors consider to be material issues. They are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate Agreement and major international reporting frameworks.